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Quels sont les effets et les résultats du masque LED pour le visage ?
7 min

What are the effects and results of the LED facial mask?

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No need to go to an institute to benefit from an LED facial mask treatment . With its affordable price and cutting-edge technology, this beauty device fits into your skincare routine. The LED mask for the face has multiple virtues. It brings visible results and is easy to use. The anti-aging and healing effects of the LED mask on your skin will revolutionize your beauty routine.

What is light therapy and how does it work on your skin?

Light therapy is a phototherapy technique. NASA research proves that light therapy is beneficial for the skin . But how does light influence the appearance of your skin?

Light therapy, used for decades in aesthetic medicine

Clinical studies demonstrate the positive effect of light wavelengths on the skin. In fact, your skin has the ability to absorb LED light. This light is then transformed into energy by your cells. Thus, phototherapy acts on the repair and regeneration processes of your skin.

Enjoy the effects of light therapy with an LED facial mask

It is now possible to benefit from the virtues of light therapy at home . However, not all LED masks offer the same effects. Your beauty mask must have a precise wavelength to provide results. The wavelength should be 415 nanometers for blue light, 633 nanometers for red and 830 nanometers for infrared.

What color LED light is suitable for my skin type?

The visible light spectrum is made up of seven colors . Three of these colors have proven their effectiveness on the skin through clinical studies.

Blue light helps reduce acne and blemishes

Blue light, with its short wavelength, barely penetrates the skin. It is still useful for treating surface acne. Blue LEDs help the skin produce free radicals that destroy the bacteria that causes acne . However, this light, close to ultraviolet, should be used sparingly. It can have a pro-oxidant effect on the skin and cause hyperpigmentation.

Red light regenerates the skin for an anti-aging and healing action

Red lights are the ones that penetrate the skin the deepest (after infrared). It is the LED treatment that brings the most benefits to the skin. The red LED light will be absorbed by the skin and transformed into energy by the cells. The red light LED facial mask has proven anti-aging and healing effects .

Infrared increases the effect of red light

Infrared, for their part, produces a photophysical reaction. Just like red LEDs, it reduces skin inflammation, promotes cell production and helps with healing. Studies prove that the effects of red LEDs and infrared are increased tenfold when combined in the same beauty device.

What are the benefits of the LED mask for my skin?

The LED facial mask provides multiple benefits to the skin. By sending energy to cells, LED light promotes skin repair . With each session, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. The texture, firmness and radiance of the complexion improve. The LED mask for the face also works on healing the skin and reduces inflammation. Use after use, your skin becomes radiant with beauty.

How quickly can I see an improvement in my skin thanks to the LED mask?

The LED facial mask should be used several times a week to reveal its effectiveness. The first results can be seen after a few sessions. However, the LED mask for the face remains complementary to a care routine adapted to your skin. It is the synergistic action of the LED facial mask and beauty products such as a serum and an anti-aging cream that will bring you visible results.

Discover user testimonials of LED light masks on the face

Several users of LED masks have told us their feelings after several months of use. They talk about the results of the LED facial mask before and after use and why they are attracted to this technology.

Anne, 43 years old, testifies to the effectiveness of the LED mask on the signs of aging

Before using the red and infrared LED mask, Anne was skeptical. " Wrinkles and fine lines were starting to develop on my forehead and around my eyes. I had tried all kinds of anti-aging creams, but nothing seemed to work," she says. Anne was ready to resign herself to cosmetic surgery.

When she started using the LED mask, she didn't expect immediate results. However, after a few weeks of regular use, Anne began to notice a difference. “My skin became firmer , more radiant. Fine lines started to fade and I felt more confident.”

Max, 35, describes the benefits of LED light treatment on his adult acne

At age 35, Max suffered from severe acne. He had tried numerous treatments without success. “My dermatologist suggested that I try the LED mask with red and infrared light . I wasn't sure it would work,” he testifies.

After starting to use the mask, Max noticed a significant improvement in his acne. He concludes: "I couldn't believe my eyes. After years of struggle, I finally found a treatment that works ."

Laura, 52, details the effects of light therapy on her sensitive and irritated skin

Laura suffered from rosacea, a skin disease that affects the small blood vessels in the face. This condition made his skin red and irritated . She tells us: "I couldn't go out without makeup. It was embarrassing and painful."

After starting an LED light therapy treatment, Laura noticed a reduction in inflammation and redness caused by rosacea. “My skin has started to calm down and look normal again. I can now go out without makeup and I feel good about myself,” she says happily.

How to benefit from the properties of the LED facial mask at home?

Do you also, like Laura, Max and Anne, want to benefit from the benefits of the LED mask directly at home? To achieve incredible results, choose the product best suited to your needs.

Select an LED face mask with high quality and safety standards

Today, there is a plethora of light therapy devices intended for the general public. To buy a safe and effective LED mask for the face, turn to recognized brands specializing in light therapy. The LED technology offered by Nooānce Paris, in particular, meets demanding safety standards. Their masks, for the face or hair, are designed with high-end medical grade materials.

Follow the instructions for using the LED mask for visible and lasting results

To get quick results on signs of aging, acne or skin sensitivity, follow the manufacturer's directions . Depending on the problems and the type of skin to be treated, the Nooānce "essential" LED mask is used 10 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times a week. The “professional” anti-aging LED mask , for its part, requires 10 minutes a day, three times a week. 20 minutes every other day is enough to see results from the first month on acne imperfections.


Can LED technology masks treat other areas of the body?

Light therapy has many benefits, both for the face and for the hair and neckline . Find out what LED light can do for you.

The use of Laser and LED helmets for hair loss

Several scientific studies demonstrate the effectiveness of LED technology on hair growth. Combined with laser, LEDs can slow down alopecia and stimulate hair growth. Nooānce Paris offers you the first Laser and LED helmets for hair equipped with dual laser and LED technology. The combination of 82 lasers and 200 LEDs reaches the entire scalp for a comprehensive treatment.


The LED mask for the face also acts on the signs of aging of the neck and décolleté

The Nooānce LED mask doesn't just treat your face. It also has a global action on your neck and décolleté. The thin skin of the neck is subject to signs of aging, while the neckline, regularly exposed to the sun, can suffer from pigment spots and irregularities. Thanks to its 198 evenly distributed LEDs, the Nooānce anti-aging mask perfectly targets your neck and your décolleté to provide them with all its benefits.


Regular use of the LED facial mask quickly delivers results. Select an LED facial mask with a sufficient number of LEDs (130 LEDs minimum) and a precise wavelength. With a Nooānce Paris LED facial mask , you are sure to make the right choice. This innovative beauty device provides your skin with all the benefits of light therapy.