After how long can I expect to see the first results with the use of the LED mask?

From the first uses, the results on the complexion and redness will already be visible. After 3 to 6 months, depending on the skin type and provided you use the mask regularly, the results improve the texture and firmness of the skin as well as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles will be visible.

What is the recommended frequency of use for the LED mask?

We advise you to use the mask once a day for the first 4 weeks in a 10 minute session. Then, to maintain the results, it is preferable to use it at least 3 to 5 times a week. The device is programmed directly for a duration of 10 minutes and switches itself off at the end of the treatment.

Is the mask guaranteed?

Yes, our beauty tech products are guaranteed for two years. Please keep the invoice as proof of your purchase (date of purchase + order number).

What is the average usage time of a full charge of the LED mask?

A full charge allows an average use of 4 to 5 uses of 10 minutes. Attention, the battery must be fully charged before its first use (until the white diodes stop flashing on the controller).

I can't charge my mask: when I unplug it, it turns off.

Please note that the mask has no internal battery. The battery is external and is located in the "controller" (also called remote control). It is therefore not necessary to connect the mask directly to a socket but the controller. The first charge must last 4 hours (be sure to wait for the 3 diodes to stop flashing to disconnect the controller) and must be done before the first use. You will find an explanatory video produced by Pibou Beauty here below:

How do I clean my LED mask?

We advise you to clean your LED mask regularly. Once or twice a month or even after each session if you suffer from acne or other bacterial conditions.
To clean your LED mask, you can follow the following steps:

1. First, after your session remove the LED mask from the face and unplug it.
2. Use a soft, slightly damp cloth to wipe the surface of the mask to remove dirt and residue.
3. If necessary, you can use a mild biseptin-type cleanser to disinfect it. To be preferred in the case of use by several people and/or presence of bacteria (acne, etc.). You can also use an anti-bacterial wipe.
4. Make sure not to get electronic parts, such as LED lights and wires, wet.
5. Once you have cleaned your mask, let it air dry completely.
6. Store the mask in a dry and clean place to prevent it from being damaged or contaminated.

It is important to clean your LED mask regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria and maintain good hygiene.

Glasses and silicone eyes hurt my eyes.

Be careful, you should never combine dark glasses and silicone eyes. They weren't meant to be used together. Either the silicone eyes are enough, or the light is still too strong and in this case we advise you to use the dark glasses alone under your mask. The accumulation of the two presses on the eyes which makes the experience unpleasant.

Can I use the mask at the same time as a photo-sensitizing treatment?

No, we do not recommend the use of LEDs during photosensitizing treatment. If you have a specific treatment in progress, you must refer to your doctor to obtain his agreement. In these situations, the advice of your doctor takes precedence.

Can I use the mask on the body?

Yes, of course (it has a beneficial effect on bruises, scars, etc.).

What are the contraindications for the use of the mask?

Here they are below:

- Do not use this device if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding. This device has not been tested on pregnant or breastfeeding women and therefore the risk to the fetus, neonate or pregnant woman is unknown.

- Do not use this device if you suffer from lupus erythematosus, photosensitive eczema or albinism. If you use this device system to treat lupus erythematosus, photosensitive eczema, or albinism, you may cause a serious skin reaction.

- Do not use this device if you are photosensitive (sensitive to light). If you use this device and you suffer from a photosensitivity disorder, you may cause a serious skin reaction.

- Do not use the device if you suffer from mild headaches or epilepsy.

- Do not use the device if you suffer from hereditary eye diseases.

- Do not use the device if you are taking medication that may cause sensitivity. If you are using this device and are taking any medication that may cause photosensitivity, you may experience a serious skin reaction.

Does the LED mask have medical properties (treating skin diseases such as rosacea for example, etc.)?

No, our LED mask is an anti-aging mask using photo-therapy technology to initially improve the radiance of the complexion. Then after 3 to 6 months, and depending on the skin type, it can act on the firmness of the skin as well as on the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Some scientific studies attest to the anti-inflammatory properties of LEDS, which relieves many skin types with inflammation problems. However, our mask does not in any way replace medical treatment for a skin disease. We advise you to always take advice from your doctor or dermatologist. As a reminder, NOOANCE is positioned on anti-aging prevention only. The mask has therefore not been tested in this sense.

Is the LED mask compatible with BHA/PHA and/or Retinol?

There are no contraindications to using exfoliating acids or retinol with the LED mask. However, it is imperative to apply them after using the mask . Be careful, however, for the most sensitive skin, we advise you to do retinol sensitivity tests before including it in your skincare routine.

Does the LED mask help improve dark spots?

Our mask has not been developed or tested for this skin problem. The mask has an action on the “inflammations” of the skin. Indeed, the red lights stimulate the production of collagen, calm redness and unify the complexion. We advise you to treat brown spots with dedicated treatments, such as our unifying radiance cream which helps reduce the appearance of pigment spots (thanks to tranexamic acid, retinol, vitamin C or even arbutin). Also contact your dermatologist for personalized advice.

Can the LED mask be used following eyebrow pigmentation (micro blending)?

We invite you to check this with the professional who did the tattooing of your eyebrows and who will give you the contraindications. NOOANCE has not carried out a test dedicated to this problem and therefore cannot rely on scientifically proven data. NOOANCE is positioned on anti-aging prevention only.

Can the LED Mask be used after permanent hair removal?

We invite you to check this with the professional who carried out your permanent hair removal and who will give you the contraindications. NOOANCE has not carried out a test dedicated to this problem and therefore cannot rely on scientifically proven data. NOOANCE is positioned on anti-aging prevention only.

Is the mask not recommended in case of hair implant?

No, LEDs, on the contrary, favor the rooting of the bulb. Our “Essential” and “Professional” helmets have been specially designed for this use.

Is the LED mask risky for the eyes?

Red light and infrared do not pose a risk to the eyes when using an LED mask. On the contrary, there is indeed a scientific study* which has shown that red light and near infrared could fight against the decline of vision, but this has yet to be demonstrated with additional studies. However, we advise not to look directly at the LEDs when using the mask. As a reminder, NOOANCE is positioned on anti-aging prevention only. The mask has therefore not been tested in this sense.

*2021 Nov 24 “Weeklong improved color contrasts sensitivity after single 670 nm exposures associated with enhanced mitochondrial function” - Harpreet Shinhmar, Chris Hogg, Magella Neveu, Glen Jeffery.Link: 34819619/

Does the LED mask improve myopia?

Red light and infrared have no adverse effects on vision. On the contrary, there is indeed a scientific study (2021) which showed that red light and near infrared could fight against the decline of vision, but this has yet to be demonstrated with additional studies. As a reminder, NOOANCE is positioned on anti-aging prevention only. The mask has therefore not been tested in this sense.

The light of the mask seems to vary slightly during my session.

Indeed, it sometimes happens that the connector moves a little and that you can see small "tremors" of the red light.

Don't worry, these small variations have no impact on the effectiveness of your session and do not damage the controller or the mask.

Can I use the mask daily?

Yes, there is no scientific contraindication to doing sessions every day.

What is the lifespan of the mask?

The LEDs have a lifespan of up to 100,000 hours (average rated life). The actual life of the mask therefore depends on the individual duration of use (one use being equal to 10 mins).

Should the sessions with the mask be spaced out so that the skin regenerates?

It is very common to do sessions of 20 to 45 mins in aesthetic doctor's offices. It is therefore entirely possible to choose to use the mask for 30 mins (3 x 10 mins in a row) 3 times a week rather than 10 mins a day. In case of doubt and as we are all different, you must remain attentive to the reactions of the skin and ask your doctor for advice.

Can the mask be worn without eye protection?

Yes the mask can be used without eye protection, these are especially offered for people hypersensitive to light.

Does the mask have an effect on acne and uneven skin (acne scars and spots?)

The led mask is beneficial against acne and scars with in particular a reduction in inflammation and good cell regeneration. Indeed, LEDs promote the acceleration of skin renewal and help healing.

Is the mask effective on a person aged 60 and over?

The mask is effective on all skin types, even mature skin. It stimulates the production of collagen, calms redness, unifies the complexion. It visibly improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves the texture and firmness of the skin and the radiance of the complexion. Combined with a routine with active care, you will definitely see a difference.

I have redness when using the mask, what should I do?

The activation of blood circulation can create some redness if your skin is fine and very well vascularized, which is actually a good sign. As long as the redness disappears as quickly as it appears, everything is absolutely normal.

Can I use the mask when I have thin eyelids?

There are no contraindications for people with thin eyelids, the mask can also be worn with the eyes open, there is no risk for the retina. The mask does not accentuate dark circles, on the contrary.


Who are the "Essential" helmets and the "Professional" helmets intended for?

The "Essential" helmet is intended for people with a loss of density due to moderate hair loss, without any particular pathology, linked to age, stress or an intense diet for example.
The "Professional" helmet is intended for people suffering from specific pathologies such as androgenetic alopecia for example. It will come to act more intensely and allow better results.

What is the difference between mode 1 and mode 2 of the headphones?

Mode 1 is continuous mode. Mode 2 is the "pulsed" mode (the pulsation is extremely fast and therefore invisible to the naked eye). The pulsed mode is a little more efficient but it has the disadvantage of making a slight noise linked to the light pulses. The continuous mode is almost as effective as the pulsed mode with the advantage of being silent.

What is the difference between the two headsets?

The “Essentiel” helmet has 69 LEDs and 51 lasers, the “Professional” has 200 red LEDs and 82 lasers.
( Also read the answer to the question: Who are the "Essential" helmets and the "Professional" helmets intended for? )

Should the helmet touch the head?

Yes, the helmet must touch your scalp. The foam pads are present to ensure that the helmet stays in place on your head.

I use the helmet for a month for a loss of density. Is it normal to have hair loss at first?

Yes, absolutely. In some people, there is what is called a purging phenomenon. Boosting hair renewal causes the loss of hair that is in the telogen phase (dead but still attached) to make room for new, stronger and healthier regrowth (in the anagen phase). Don't worry, it's only temporary for the first two months and it's not the "living" hair that falls out.

What are the contraindications to the use of headphones?

  • Do not use the NOOANCE headphones if you have a medical condition that makes your skin sensitive to sunlight or light or if you are taking photosensitizing medication.
  • Do not use the NOOANCE headphones if you suffer from cancer, skin diseases or other scalp conditions.
  • The NOOANCE headset is for people over 18 years old.
  • Before use, be sure to consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Without medical advice, we do not recommend the use of the NOOANCE Laser and Led helmet.

What is the ON / OFF button behind the helmet for?

This button is used to switch on the headphones when they are plugged directly into the mains (without using the remote control/battery).

How do you know when the headphones are out of battery?

The remote will turn off or will not have enough charge to turn on the headphones. It will be necessary to think of recharging it for 4 hours.

Does the helmet act on white hair?

White hair never grows back in color. Since melanin is no longer present in the bulb, the hair will grow back white. However, the helmet will help hair that is still colored not to lose melanin too quickly and therefore help reduce the appearance of white hair.

How do I clean my LED helmet?

We advise you to regularly clean your Laser & Led Helmet. Once or twice a month or even after each session if you suffer from bacterial infections.
To clean your device, you can follow these steps:

1. First, after your session, remove the headset from your head and unplug it.
2. Use a soft, slightly damp cloth to wipe the surface of the device and remove dirt and residue.
3. If necessary, you can use a mild biseptine-type cleaner to disinfect it. To be preferred in the case of multiple use and/or presence of bacteria. You can also use an antibacterial wipe.
4. Be sure not to wet the electronic parts, such as LED lights, lasers and wires.
5. Once you have cleaned your device, allow it to air dry completely.
6. Store it in a dry and clean place to prevent it from being damaged or contaminated.

It is important to regularly clean your Laser & LED Helmet to prevent the spread of bacteria and maintain good hygiene.


Is the use of Beauty tech devices possible during chemotherapy?

No, the treatment must be completed to use the Nooance helmet or mask. Devices that stimulate cells should not be used when the body is fighting cancer cells.

However, the helmet can be used after chemotherapy to promote hair regrowth.

For any "health" questions, we advise you to always seek the advice of your doctor before using the devices.

From what age can we use NOOANCE beauty tech (mask and helmets)?

We recommend the use of the mask and helmets from 18 years old. All our tests have been carried out on adults. Ask your doctor's advice for minors.

Is 10 minutes x 3 as effective as 30 minutes per week?

The key to visible results lies in regularity. Depending on your routine and your schedule, you can opt for 10 minutes x 3 or 30 minutes per week with the Professional LED mask.

What is the difference between the two face masks?

The main difference between the two masks lies in their power and their usage protocol: Power/Irradiance: The Professional LED Mask delivers a higher power of 50mW/cm², which is higher than the 30 mW/cm² of the Essential mask . Higher potency often achieves therapeutic effects more quickly. Frequency and duration of sessions: With the Professional LED Mask, one 30-minute session per week is enough to see visible results, while the Essential mask requires 10-minute sessions every other day. This makes the Professional LED Mask a more convenient option for those who have a busy schedule or who prefer less frequent but longer treatments. In summary, choosing between the two masks will depend on your specific needs, how quickly you want to see results, and the frequency of treatment that best fits into your skincare routine.

I have melasma, can I use the LED mask?

Using the LED mask for people suffering from melasma can indeed be beneficial. However, it is essential to consult your GP or dermatologist before starting any new treatment. These healthcare professionals will be able to give you an opinion based on your specific situation and determine if the LED mask is appropriate for you. In general, LED masks have no known contraindications for people with melasma, and they may offer benefits such as decreasing inflammation and helping to even out skin tone through stimulation of skin tone. collagen production. However, because melasma is a condition that is particularly reactive to environmental factors, including light, it is important to seek the advice of your doctor.

Can I use a serum before the LED mask?

You can absolutely use a serum before your LED session to increase its effects tenfold. However, it is important to choose an aqueous serum, such as Copper Peptide or Multi Active serum. Lipid serums or creams contain fats that could block the penetration of light into the skin, reducing its effectiveness.

We recommend avoiding treatments that contain pure vitamin C as well as retinol.

Is there a delay between the application of a serum and the mask?

Our aqueous Copper Peptide or Multi Active serums are quickly absorbed by the skin, which allows the mask to be used directly after application.

Is it normal for the mask to heat up?

Yes, and that's completely normal. In most cases, it is the skin that generates the heat felt in the mask. The LED light increases blood circulation, which can cause a slight warming sensation on your skin, and therefore also on the silicone of the mask.

How long/sessions does a mask/helmet battery last overall?

Our new generation remote controls are designed to allow between 8 to 10 uses of 10 minutes after a full battery charge (i.e. 4 hours). However, the number of sessions may vary depending on external factors such as heat or humidity, which can influence the battery.
